Student Learning Space (SLS)
SLS Website:
SLS is an online learning portal that allows all students to have equal access to quality curriculum-aligned resources. These resources are available to all students for major subjects from primary to pre-university level. In line with the development of 21st Century Competencies (21CC), the SLS encourages learners to be self-directed, and allows them to personalise their learning according to their needs and interests.
What is SLS? Please watch the video below for what explains SLS.
What is SLS?
Frequently Asked Questions for Young Overseas Singaporean
SLS Support
School Operating Hours
Normal School Day & School Holiday: 7 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Closed on Public Holiday, Saturday & Sunday.
Tel: 6786 6192
SLS Helpdesk
Students should contact the SLS Helpdesk for support after school hours.
Technical Support click here
SLS Helpdesk: 6702 6513