Student Management
Student Management & Discipline
Discipline Objective (Our Discipline Policy)
At East Spring Primary School, our aim is to develop our students into individuals with good self-discipline so that they can create a conducive learning environment for them and their peers. We believe that students learn well when there is order and discipline. At the same time, we believe that students need care, encouragement and space to learn from their mistakes and make improvements in their conduct.
In line with our plans to move towards positive education, we follow MOE's guidelines closely towards a more positive and proactive approach to discipline.
We strongly believe in the importance of the home-school partnership and working closely and collaboratively with parents and guardians in order to achieve the best outcomes for our students. We maintain close communication and proactively engage parents and guardians regarding any inappropriate behaviour for them to understand the situation better so that we can work together to guide and support our students.
We take a whole-school approach to discipline and articulate explicitly to our students the school rules and expectations at the start of every academic year.
Please refer to the Student Handbook on what is expected of our students.
School Rules
School Uniform
PE Attire (Boys & Girls)
Shoes and Socks (Boys & Girls)
Punctuality and Attendance
Attendance is compulsory for all school activities unless students are unwell.
Absence from school must be supported with a valid medical certificate from a qualified doctor or a letter with valid reason(s) from parents/ guardians. Only 5 letters from parents/guardians are accepted per semester.
Punctuality is to be observed at all times. Students are strongly encouraged to be in the hall/classroom by 7:25 a.m. sharp for the flag-raising ceremony and pledge-taking.
Students who are not in class when the National Anthem starts, will be considered late.
All students are expected to attend school on school days and are strongly discouraged from taking leave before the school vacation period or during term time. Teachers are to be informed at least a week in advance for such absences.
Conduct and Behaviour
All students are expected to follow the school rules and emulate the SPRING values at all times.
Students are expected to be responsible in their own learning.
Students are expected to complete and submit their assigned homework on time.
Students must treat school property with care. Any form of vandalism is a major offence and will be dealt with accordingly.
Students must be truthful and have the courage to admit and learn from mistakes.
Types of Offences
1a. Minor Offences
Attendance and Punctuality
a. Arriving in school during or after the Flag-Raising Ceremony, without a valid reason
b. Being absent from school without a medical certificate/letter from parent/ guardian
c. Missing lessons/activities (including CCA, Enrichment and Remedial) without a medical certificate or a letter with valid reason(s) from parent/guardian
Attire and Grooming
a. Disobeying school rules on attire
b. Having PE T-shirt not tucked in
c. Not wearing ESPS socks
d. Wearing the ESPS socks inappropriately (logo below the ankle)
e. Not having the name tag or school badge sewn on the uniform/T-shirt
f. Wearing colourful and fanciful hair accessories, ear studs, earrings and ear sticks
g. Wearing accessories e.g. necklace, friendship bracelets, fancy bracelets
h. Having long nails
For Boys
i. Sides of hair totally shaven
j. Hair touching the ears or the shirt collar
k. Fringe touching the eyebrow
For Girls
l. Hair touching the collar of the blouse
m. Long fringe not clipped
n. Shoulder length hair not tied or plaited
o. Having more than one studs/ earrings on each earlobe
p. Wearing colourful and fanciful hair accessories, ear studs, earrings and ear sticks
q. Wearing nail polish
Classroom Behaviour
a. Not submitting class work, homework, project work, etc. without a valid reason
b. Behaving in a disruptive manner in the classroom, school compound or school bus
c. Failing to bring required materials such as art materials, musical instrument, PE attire, etc
d. Staying or eating in class during recess in the absence of the teacher
General Misconduct
a. Littering
b. Telling lies
c. Name-calling
d. Act of mischief
e. Bringing toys (including electronic toys)
f. Verbalising abusive/ vulgar language
g. Loitering outside the school in school uniform and causing a nuisance to the public
2a. Major Offences
a. Being absent from school without parents'/guardians' knowledge
b. Leaving school grounds during curriculum time without the school's approval
a. Stealing/Shoplifting
b. Cheating during tests/assessments/possessing notes or other prohibited items
c. Tampering with marks/answers on examination/test papers/copying from others/allowing others to copy
d. Forging parent's/ guardian's/ teacher's signatures
e. Changing information on medical certificates, forms etc, with the intention to deceive
f. Breaching of tests/examination rules and regulations
Open Defiance
a. Refusing to conform to school rules, norms and practices
b. Disobeying teachers' instructions
c. Displaying rudeness and disrespect in speech or body language
d. Using abusive, offensive or vulgar language
e. Shouting at/confronting teacher
Serious Misconduct (In and Out of School)
a. Bullying/ Cyberbullying
b. Assault/ Causing physical hurt
c. Fighting
d. Extorting
e. Vandalism/ Damaging school property/ Arson
f. Possession of any weapons or weapon-like items, including sharp-pointed and sharp-edged tools or equipment
g. Gambling/ Trading of miscellaneous items
h. Smoking/ Possession of cigarette/lighter
i. Using information communications and technology (e.g. Computer, SMS, internet, electronic mail) improperly or unlawfully
j. Outrage of modesty
k. Pornography
Possible Actions and Consequences
Possible Actions Taken by School | |
Minor Offences | Major Offences |
*Minor offences committed persistently will be considered as a Major offence. |
The discipline policy stated above serves as a guide. Every case is unique and bound by different circumstances. The school will take the necessary action(s) in the best interest of our students, school staff and the community.
Restorative Practices
Discipline is an educative process, and our goal is to instill self-discipline and good character in our students, strengthened by our SPRING values. Our disciplinary measures help our students learn the consequences of their inappropriate actions and to take responsibility for the poor choices made. Thus, it is important for the consequences to be meted out fairly, firmly, and appropriately.
At East Spring Primary School, we believe in the importance of restoring relationships among our students through restorative practices.
In order for us to achieve this, the Discipline Team works closely with the Form Teachers and Year Heads using these three steps:
Step 1: Defuse
Step 2: Engage
Step 3a: Perspective taking
Step 3b: Problem solving